Our Services

Initial Evaluation


A thorough and detailed visit with our Occupational Therapist who is certified in pelvic rehab. She will discuss and address any symptoms/concerns you may have and generated a program for your treatment.



$80 - $120

A follow-up visit to the initial evaluation to further address the impairments found during your initial evaluation. Some follow-up visits may include progressing toward your goals.


Free - $115

A free 15 minute, over the phone consult is available if you have questions to ensure pelvic health therapy is for you. If you prefer a more personable, in-depth consult we offer an in person consult for $125.

Our Mission

It is our desire at Resilience Pelvic Health to provide superb and unmatched care to each individual client providing customized plans of care, wellness programs, and educational instructions particular to their needs. While delivering high-quality care tailored to your needs.